This veggie pizza recipe is compliments of my friend Jenna, and is one of Kate’s favorite meals! I usually make 2-3 pizzas at a time, bake them, cut after cooling, and then freeze leftover slices in freezer bags for quick meal options on our busy week nights.
Pizza Crust
Roasted Red Pepper Alfredo Sauce
Shredded Cheese
Spread a pizza crust onto a cookie sheet/jellyroll pan (I use the just-add-water pizza crust mixes). Spread a light layer of roasted red pepper alfredo sauce over the crust, top with your favorite vegetables and cheese, and bake according to the crust directions.
My Notes
- You can use plain alfredo sauce if you want, but the red pepper alfredo gives it more flavor and surprisingly isn’t too strong.
- Once opened, the jar of alfredo sauce only keeps for a few days so if you’re not going to use it for something else you can freeze it in an ice cube tray like you would pureed baby food, and then thaw the cubes later for future veggie pizzas.
- Sometimes I add a little minced garlic over the sauce, and/or some feta cheese. I’ve also used pesto as the sauce (instead of alfredo) and that’s good too.
- For veggies I typically use carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower. To really load up on the vegetables in each bite, I take all of the carrots and about 2/3 of the broccoli and cauliflower, finely chop them with my food processor, and spread them over the sauce first. Next I add the shredded cheese (usually mozzarella). Lastly, I cut up the rest of the broccoli and cauliflower into small bite-sized pieces and put them on top. They get nicely roasted this way, and I like Kate to be able to see what she’s eating so she recognizes the vegetables when she sees them in other recipes.
Hope this veggie pizza is as big of a hit in your house as it is in mine!
Sounds yummy! Can’t wait to try it! Thank you =)
Another short cut… buy the veggies from the salad bar. This way you get a nice variety (if you want to add mushrooms, peppers, etc.) and half the cost.
How long does it keep for in the freeze D?
do you cook the veggies first? if not, how does Kate do with the raw carrots?
@Katie–Kate gobbles ’em up pretty fast, so we don’t end up freezing for long, but we’ve heated up slices that have been frozen for 2 months and they still tasted great!
@Ashley–No, I don’t cook the veggies first. I should have clarified that I finely chop all the carrots in my food processor, and only do the cauliflower and broccoli in bigger bites on top. The carrots get pretty finely chopped (almost minced) in the food processor so she doesn’t have a problem with eating them.
Just edited my post to clarify the carrot thing–hope that helps!
That’s an awesome recipe!! Thanks so much for sharing it with us. I’m going to add this to my things I need to make asap list
OH! I have two FABULOUS giveaways on my blog right now…you’re welcome to come check it out
Love this idea!! My little one loves pizza, but isn’t a fan of most vegetables. This may be a good way to hide them.
Thank you so much for sharing! Keep the healthy, kid friendly recipes coming
Ooh…I can’t wait to try this!
That looks so freaking good! I love things like this and love that it has alfredo sauce on it!
I make one with BBQ sauce. It’s good, but I’m not really into it anymore. Darn pregnancy adversions.
Thanks for sharing! I noticed the pizza from a previous post & it looks tasty!
This is great! Thanks for sharing. Can’t wait to see more recipes. I’m just figuring out to incorporate more finger foods as we move away from purees. It’s so tricky!
Got my LO’s pizza in the oven RIGHT NOW… Thanks so much for sharing.
Thanks for the recipe. Can’t wait to try it when Clara is older!
I just made your pizza last night; my husband was pretty skeptical at first. He took one bite and grinned!
He told me that it was the best homemade pizza I’d ever made! I have to agree! Thanks so much! We’ve needed some new dinner ideas!
If it’s okay, I’d like to share this post on my blog.
Hi there! I’ve been wanting to make this pizza for my 2.5 year old but when I went to the grocery store (Kroger) I couldn’t find any red pepper alfredo sauce? Can you tell me what brand you use and where to find it? karusak@hotmail.cpm
Thanks everyone!
@Jenn–So happy to hear it was a hit at your house, too!
@KR–Classico is the brand I’ve found that makes the roasted red pepper alfredo sauce, although you can DIY by dicing up (or pureeing–whichever you prefer) roasted red peppers and adding them to regular alfredo sauce. Hope that helps!
My 12 month old LOVES this! He’s been going through a picky/not wanting to eat phase and he ate so much of this pizza yesterday. I’m so happy!
How old was Kate when you started giving her this pizza? My 8.5 month old just started refusing baby food and is done with it, so we are moving on to all table foods this weekend.
@Drama Queen–Gosh I’m not sure, but I’d say it never hurts to give it a try!